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FrontBase Функции
Вернуться к: FrontBase
- fbsql_affected_rows — Возвращает число затронутых строк в предыдущем FrontBase действии
- fbsql_autocommit — Enable or disable autocommit
- fbsql_blob_size — Get the size of a BLOB
- fbsql_change_user — Change logged in user of the active connection
- fbsql_clob_size — Get the size of a CLOB
- fbsql_close — Close FrontBase connection
- fbsql_commit — Commits a transaction to the database
- fbsql_connect — Open a connection to a FrontBase Server
- fbsql_create_blob — Create a BLOB
- fbsql_create_clob — Create a CLOB
- fbsql_create_db — Create a FrontBase database
- fbsql_data_seek — Move internal result pointer
- fbsql_database_password — Sets or retrieves the password for a FrontBase database
- fbsql_database — Get or set the database name used with a connection
- fbsql_db_query — Send a FrontBase query
- fbsql_db_status — Get the status for a given database
- fbsql_drop_db — Drop (delete) a FrontBase database
- fbsql_errno — Returns the error number from previous operation
- fbsql_error — Returns the error message from previous operation
- fbsql_fetch_array — Fetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both
- fbsql_fetch_assoc — Fetch a result row as an associative array
- fbsql_fetch_field — Get column information from a result and return as an object
- fbsql_fetch_lengths — Get the length of each output in a result
- fbsql_fetch_object — Fetch a result row as an object
- fbsql_fetch_row — Get a result row as an enumerated array
- fbsql_field_flags — Get the flags associated with the specified field in a result
- fbsql_field_len — Returns the length of the specified field
- fbsql_field_name — Get the name of the specified field in a result
- fbsql_field_seek — Set result pointer to a specified field offset
- fbsql_field_table — Get name of the table the specified field is in
- fbsql_field_type — Get the type of the specified field in a result
- fbsql_free_result — Free result memory
- fbsql_get_autostart_info — Описание
- fbsql_hostname — Get or set the host name used with a connection
- fbsql_insert_id — Get the id generated from the previous INSERT operation
- fbsql_list_dbs — List databases available on a FrontBase server
- fbsql_list_fields — List FrontBase result fields
- fbsql_list_tables — List tables in a FrontBase database
- fbsql_next_result — Move the internal result pointer to the next result
- fbsql_num_fields — Get number of fields in result
- fbsql_num_rows — Get number of rows in result
- fbsql_password — Get or set the user password used with a connection
- fbsql_pconnect — Open a persistent connection to a FrontBase Server
- fbsql_query — Send a FrontBase query
- fbsql_read_blob — Read a BLOB from the database
- fbsql_read_clob — Read a CLOB from the database
- fbsql_result — Get result data
- fbsql_rollback — Rollback a transaction to the database
- fbsql_rows_fetched — Get the number of rows affected by the last statement
- fbsql_select_db — Select a FrontBase database
- fbsql_set_characterset — Change input/output character set
- fbsql_set_lob_mode — Set the LOB retrieve mode for a FrontBase result set
- fbsql_set_password — Change the password for a given user
- fbsql_set_transaction — Set the transaction locking and isolation
- fbsql_start_db — Start a database on local or remote server
- fbsql_stop_db — Stop a database on local or remote server
- fbsql_table_name — Get table name of field
- fbsql_tablename — Псевдоним fbsql_table_name
- fbsql_username — Get or set the username for the connection
- fbsql_warnings — Enable or disable FrontBase warnings
Вернуться к: FrontBase